Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How do you answer "cuantos alumnos hay en la clase de ingles? (in spanish?

Help!! im answering a spanish interview for spnish class and its due tomorrow!How do you answer "cuantos alumnos hay en la clase de ingles? (in spanish?
"Cuantos alumnos hay en la clase de ingles" would be "How many students (classmates) are there in the English language class?".

Assuming that there are 25 students in the class, the answer is:

"Hay 25 alumnos (estudiantes) en la clase de ingles". In translates into English this way: "There are 25 students in the English language class".


answer mine

hay dos personas en la clase de inglesHow do you answer "cuantos alumnos hay en la clase de ingles? (in spanish?
Well, how many students are in your English class?How do you answer "cuantos alumnos hay en la clase de ingles? (in spanish?
since the average class is about 25, say "hay veinticinco alumnos en la clase de ingles"
How many students are there in your English class?=驴Cu谩ntos estudiantes hay en tu clase de ingl茅s?

There are 30 people in my class=Hay 30 personas en mi clase.
hay veinte alumnos en la clase de ingles
I would say, "yo no hablo espaniol"
En me clase de ingles hay treinte alumnos. Good Luck!

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