Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Como se dice en ingles, "Sincronizaci贸n de celos y ovulaci贸n en bovinos"?

I know that "celos" means "in heat", but that translation doesn't seem to work in the context of this question. I think there must be a more technical term for "being in heat". This is the title of an agricultural research paper in Spanish.Como se dice en ingles, "Sincronizaci贸n de celos y ovulaci贸n en bovinos"?
Sincronization of menstrual periods and ovulation in cattle.
You almost have it, the sentence means:

Heat synchronization and ovulation in bovines (cows/buffalo/oxen).

If I'm not mistaken, "heat synchronization" refers to a breeding process. It depends on how much biology/chemistry you know as to whether you can decipher it, but if you search on Google or Yahoo, you will find a lot of information. Good luck!Como se dice en ingles, "Sincronizaci贸n de celos y ovulaci贸n en bovinos"?
I found "oestrual period".

Synchronisation of oestrual period and ovulation in cattle.

You might prefer "oestruation"

Synchronisation of oestruation and ovulation in cattle.Como se dice en ingles, "Sincronizaci贸n de celos y ovulaci贸n en bovinos"?
The answer bellow mine sound right.
Deseoso or urgencia sexualand ovulation in bovines%26lt;cows%26gt;

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