Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Crazy rhyming with espanol and ingles?

Happy Friday All,

I am trying to rhyme words in espanol with the last syllabal in english sounding like: -ame/ane (i.e. name, flame, pain, sane)

If anyone out there can assist please!!!!

1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.

Crazy rhyming with espanol and ingles?
This is VERY difficult because most words in Spanish end with a vowel sound, and the relatively few English words that do also, use a different sound - even for the same vowel. An example of the general problem is hable vs. able. Even though the Spanish "h" is silent, there is absolutely no correspondence in pronunciation.

However, some exceptions are :

Que %26amp; t茅 - pay and say.

Tal - shall

Jo - go.

Son - gone

Eres - heiress

Aqu铆 - key.

Ma帽ana - banana.

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